DTG Recycle offers dumpster rentals, portable toilets, and recycling services in Kitsap County Washington.
Cities we serve
Choose from one of our many service area locations for all your waste disposal needs. Don’t see your city? Call to find out if we are in your zip code.
Order from DTG Recycle for all your waste disposal needs. Choose a dumpster rental, portable toilet, or recycling services. Call today.
Integrated in our practices. Ingrained in our culture.
As diverse as we are driven, it’s the people behind DTG that we’re most proud of. You’re invited to get to know us and see how we’re redefining the concept of a community partner.
Team DTG is staying safe in today’s storm.
Our Woodinville (Spectrum) facility is closed today, February 25th. Other DTG facilities currently remain open.
Check back for facility updates and please stay safe!